.01They are unique. What you say to your love bunny will be completely unique to you (unless you copy it from elsewhere!). They will be your thoughts and feelings, translated in to words. If I could only give one reason for writing your own vows, it would be this!
.02They are personal. What you are saying to each other is from your heart, not anyone else’s. Your vows will not be some generic sentences that sound like they are from a greeting card or ones that make you cringe and gag in equal measure. They will be words that you are comfortable with, words you want to say and words you want to share.
.03It’s fun. Okay, so it might be a teeny weeny but scary too, but in the moment that you say your vows you will be filled with so much happiness and excitement in getting to say what you really feel, that you’ll forget that you almost were going to pee yourself. You will also find the experience from writing them, to eventually saying them, to be so much fun, especially when you throw in some funny tidbits about you or your love bunny, too.
.04It’s cathartic. I don’t know about you, but expressing myself with written words makes me feel so good. It’s so therapeutic. And I think it is the same with vows, too. I know so many couples who got to see things with fresh eyes when they sat down to write their vows and got to really think about the reasons why they loved their love bunny. Even remembering things they had forgotten or pushed aside. We don’t do this enough people! I just sat here for a moment and thought about why I love my husband and now I’ve got tears in my eyes and want to give him the biggest hug, but he’s not here! So, re-living all of those feelings/moments through your vows, how can that not be good for you?
.05 It’s romantic. Even the least romantic person in the world, has got to admit that writing something as lovely as personal vows is a pretty damned romantic thing to do. The good thing is, the act of saying your vows is what is romantic, even if the content itself is not. So this means you don’t need to be mushy and cheesy and romantic if you’re not, because the fact that you are saying anything at all is romantic itself! And If you’re not romantic, then writing your vows could buy you a lot of romance credits for the future! Just remember that!